Yesterday during lunch break I thought about building a binary clock with an ESP32. Since I don’t have a corresponding development environment on my device, I quickly prescribed the function for converting the time into a binary string in Powershell. The next step then is to convert this code into a C function.
The simplest variant is:
[Convert]::ToString (64,2)
However, this logic would not run on an ESP32. Therefore a function that can be easily converted to C later has to be found.
function Convert-ToBinaryString { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int]$start, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int]$value ) $binary = ""; while($start -gt 0) { if($value / $start -ge 1) { $binary += "1"; $value = $value - $start; } else { $binary += "0"; } $start = $start -shr 1; } return $binary; }
A quick example to check that the function works.
# example Convert-ToBinaryString -start 32 -value 22 "--" Convert-ToBinaryString -start 32 -value 45
Now the C/C++-Code
#include <string> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; string ConvertToBinaryString(int start, int value) { string binary = ""; while (start > 0) { if (value != 0) { if (value / start >= 1) { binary += "1"; value = value - start; } else { binary += "0"; } } else if (value == 0) { binary += "0"; } start = start >> 1; } return binary; } int main() { string test = ConvertToBinaryString(16, 8); cout << test; getchar(); return 0; }